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Sofa Height Pillow Set

Sofa Height Pillow Set

These are the same pillows I made from Cats & Dogs but they sit at couch height instead of bed height. They have a rug footprint but you’ll want to use ‘alt’ to shift them around to exactly where you want them. Half of these objects require another object because they share textures.

• Regular and Long Bolster Pillow
• Regular and Long Lumbar Pillow
• Round Accent Pillow
• Square Accent Button Regular, Medium, & Large Pillow
• Square Accent Regular, Medium, & Large Pillows

Needs Update, Still Functional

Broken & Needs Update!

Last Update:


Most objects you'll find on my site are texture-reliant, meaning that they use textures that are already in-game instead of using new textures. This is why you will see that a lot of my objects require the original pack to use.


Textures have a tendency to take up a lot of space so texture-reliant objects mean space for more CC!

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