Gameplay & Object
Flower Fridge Retail Shelf
These fridges work as retail displays with shelves that you can put flower arrangements on. Setting arrangements on the shelf will keep them fresh for longer. You can also choose to set any arrangements sitting on them for sale in a retail shop. Customers will browse the retail fridges and eventually purchase them.
Needs Update, Still Functional
Broken & Needs Update!
Last Update:
These can be found in Surfaces > Displays or the Retail section. They come with a large and small version in several different colors.
You can place flower arrangement on the slots inside these fridges to keep them from spoiling as fast. They won't last forever but it will give you a little more time with them before they wilt.
These fridges were made for selling flower arrangements in an EP01 - Get to Work retail store. You can drag and drop an arrangement onto one of the shelves behind the glass then set it for sale. Customers will come into your store and spend some time browsing these fridges before finally deciding on a purchase.
Like some of my other retail objects, these have some additional interactions. You have an option to 'Clear Surface' which would put anything sitting on these into your sim's inventory. You can also 'Set Items For Sale/Not For Sale' which will effect every item sitting on the display. This is a great alternative to doing it one-by-one!
The slots on this are really close together so if you want to use all the slots you’ll need to use the bb.moveobjects on cheat.

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